本片記述了著名自由作家Hunter S. Thompson,1965~1975間的生活,由奧斯卡最佳紀錄片得獎者Alex Gibney編導,包含了從未曝光過的難得影像與聲音,提名日舞影展評審獎。Hunter S. Thompson以其獨特的搖滾評論方式聞名,他尖酸又直接深入的評論往往令人又愛又恨,十足的古怪又瘋狂,這名離經叛道的作家兼記者,最後自殺身亡。強尼戴普主演的電影《賭城風情畫》,便是改編他自傳性十足的小說。[FROM:ATMOVIES]
Johnny Depp在片中负责旁白与朗读。。。Johnny Depp和Thompson的私人关系似乎很好,除了Thompson送给他一个绰号“Colonel”、以及Depp两次扮演Thompson外,在张晓舟为<地下乡愁蓝调>写的序中还提到“就像前年,Johnny Depp耗资百万美元,遵“刚左教父”Hunter Thompson生前遗愿为其举行炮葬,将其骨灰用几十门大炮轰向星空,六○年代的骨灰亦随烟花散尽。”
Author of wildly successful books about subjects ranging from the Hell’s Angels to the 1972 Presidential campaign, a legendary reporter for Rolling Stone and other publications, and a sometime political candidate, Hunter S. Thompson personified muscular, no-holds-barred journalistic exploration as prismed through the '60s and '70s. He lived by Henry Ford’s lonely dictum: “never explain, never complain,” and when Thompson felt his powers waning, he excused himself from a family gathering at his house, went to the kitchen, and put a bullet through his head.
Summing him up is no easy task. Even the phrase "gonzo journalism," invented by journalist friend Bill Cardoso, doesn’t do him justice. People tried: his alter ego, Raoul Duke, became a staple of "Doonesbury," and both Johnny Depp and Bill Murray threw themselves into the role on the big screen, but in the end there was only one Hunter S. Thompson.
Often the crazy stories that whirled around Thompson overshadowed everything, but Alex Gibney has concentrated on the single word that is closest to the core of Thompson: writer. Having been given total access to the Thompson archives, Gibney fully explores Thompson’s life and work, largely through the incredible volume of writing Thompson left behind. Aided by Johnny Depp’s delivery, Thompson’s words are what remain. And that’s exactly the way Hunter would want it. (Jed Dietz)